The Benefits of Wearing Braces

Las Vegas Braces are wires, brackets, and elastic bands that apply steady pressure to help straighten teeth. They are typically made of metal or clear ceramic and may go behind your teeth (lingual braces).dental

Your orthodontist will take X-rays of your mouth and make molds of your teeth before starting treatment. Treatment plans vary, but most people are in braces for one to three years.

Many people think that the primary purpose of teeth is to form a beautiful smile, but they do much more than that. Teeth help us chew the foods we eat, and they are also crucial for helping the digestive system break down and process nutrients and other food substances. Crooked teeth and misaligned bites can lead to digestion issues because food is more difficult to properly break down during chewing. Braces can help correct these misalignments and improve digestion by ensuring that food is chewed more thoroughly.

The treatment involves a series of metal brackets that are affixed to each tooth. They have small slots that hold a wire, which is tightened to apply gentle but constant pressure to the teeth. The pressure helps guide them to a new position over time. Braces are made from stainless steel or ceramic (tooth-colored), and they may also be coated with an orthodontic bonding material.

During the treatment, patients will need to avoid certain foods (especially hard and sticky candy) because they can get stuck in the brackets or in the archwires. They should also brush and floss their teeth often, especially before and after meals, to remove food debris and prevent cavities. They should also visit their orthodontist for regular cleanings and checkups to keep their teeth healthy and in good condition.

After braces are removed, it is important for patients to wear retainers. This ensures that their teeth don’t shift back to their old positions, which can cause a host of problems.

Misaligned teeth can lead to tooth decay and gum disease because it is more difficult for people to clean them. Overtime, the extra force exerted on crooked teeth can also damage the enamel and weaken the jawbones. Braces can prevent this by putting teeth into the proper alignment, which will strengthen them and reduce the risk of oral health issues. In addition to providing a healthy mouth, straightened teeth are easier to clean and brush, making them less susceptible to plaque and bacteria. The resulting lower risk of dental problems can save patients money in the long run because it means they will need fewer dental treatments.

Having braces reduces your risk of gum disease. Gum disease is an infection caused by the buildup of bacterial plaque that eventually leads to the loss of bone and tissue that supports your teeth. The best way to prevent gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for dental cleanings and exams. Gum disease can progress from a mild form, gingivitis, that causes the gums to become red and swollen, to a serious stage, periodontitis, in which you may lose one or more of your teeth.

The crevices that crowded, overlapping, and crooked teeth create are a perfect trap for food particles and bacteria. When these remain on the teeth for too long, they produce acid that corrodes the tooth’s enamel and forms plaque. Left untreated, plaque can harden into tartar, a calcified deposit that can only be removed by your dentist. Having braces helps reduce the chance that you will develop these conditions by making it easier to brush and floss your teeth.

Misaligned teeth can also interfere with proper chewing, causing digestion problems such as indigestion. They can also cause speech impediments, like lisps or stuttering, that can be embarrassing to deal with. By shifting misaligned teeth, braces can correct the positioning of your tongue and lips to improve your speech clarity and enunciation.

Another benefit of having straighter teeth is that they are less likely to chip or crack. Teeth that are crooked or protruding can easily become chipped or cracked in accidents such as sports injuries or falling and bumping your mouth against objects. Braces can make sure that your teeth are aligned properly so there is no space for them to become displaced in an accident. Having braces can even help reduce the risk of bruxism, which is the unconscious grinding or clenching of your teeth. This habit can lead to cracked or worn teeth, jaw pain and headaches, and even tooth loss if it is severe. If you think you might need braces, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our orthodontic experts can help you decide if you are a good candidate for braces.

The most obvious reason to get braces is for a healthier smile. However, the benefits extend far beyond this. Braces improve the overall function of your teeth and jaw by correcting crowded or misaligned teeth, and they also make it easier to brush and floss. This reduces the risk of cavities and gum disease, which are both caused by bacteria.

Overcrowded and crooked teeth have tight crevices that are difficult to clean properly, especially when brushing. These areas are hotbeds for plaque and bacteria that, if left untreated, can lead to tooth decay. This can ultimately cause bacterial infection, which may lead to other health issues. Braces eliminate these hard-to-reach spots, making it easier to brush and floss and eliminating the risk of gum disease and other serious oral health problems.

Additionally, chewing and digestion are more effective when the teeth are properly aligned. When food is properly chewed, it is broken down more effectively and enters the stomach sooner, reducing gastrointestinal issues such as gas, bloating, and heartburn. Braces can also help correct misaligned bites that can contribute to digestive issues.

Finally, braces can help address certain jaw misalignments such as overbites and underbites that can have a negative impact on your smile and speaking. Overbites can cause pain in your jaw and lips, while an underbite can make it difficult to speak clearly due to restricted mouth movement. Braces can correct these problems to improve your quality of life and boost confidence in your smile.

If you are interested in improving your smile with braces, call us today for more information! We will take X-rays and molds of your teeth to determine your treatment options. Then, during your first appointment, we will bond the brackets to your teeth using a special adhesive and install the archwire to guide your teeth into alignment. Every one to two weeks, you will visit us to check up on your progress and get new trays, which may make your teeth sore for a few days afterward. We look forward to helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile!

Many people have crooked teeth, which can make them feel self-conscious about their smile and can negatively impact their social interactions. When people wear braces, they can finally have straighter teeth that they are proud to show off, which will likely result in a boost to their confidence and overall happiness.

For some people, though, their braces can be an embarrassment to wear. The visible metal brackets and wires can draw attention to their mouth, which can cause them to feel self-conscious and less attractive. They may also have anxiety about how their peers will react to them wearing braces, which can lead them to avoid social situations or become withdrawn.

Luckily, it’s possible for individuals to overcome these challenges and maintain their self-esteem while they wear braces by making a few lifestyle adjustments. For example, they can change their hairstyle or makeup to distract attention from their mouth and practice good oral hygiene habits to protect their gums and teeth. They can also surround themselves with supportive friends who will uplift them throughout their orthodontic journey.

Another way to increase self-esteem while wearing braces is to make sure they are getting the best quality of care possible from their orthodontist. This means choosing a reputable orthodontist, like Molen Orthodontics, who offers a variety of treatment options to fit each patient’s unique needs. For example, they can choose from traditional metal braces, clear or tooth-colored ceramic braces, lingual braces that go on the backside of the teeth, or Invisalign.

In addition, patients can select the type of treatment that works best for their budget. Metal braces are the most affordable option, while clear or tooth-colored ceramic brackets can be more expensive. Lingual braces, which go on the backside of the teeth instead of on the front, are also available and are more discreet than standard braces. Invisalign is an even more discreet option that uses clear plastic aligners to straighten the teeth.

Regardless of the type of braces you choose, it is important to remember that they will only be in place for a short time. In the meantime, you can enjoy the benefits of straighter teeth and a happier life.